Baltimore & Westminster Area Professional Home Cleaning

Westminster, MD Cleaning Services

Flexible Scheduling & High-Quality Services

Home Cleaning Services in Central Maryland

Imagine coming home to a spotless, fresh-smelling home after a long day of work. Imagine that you didn't have to lift a finger, dust a surface, or plug in a single vacuum to get it that way. At Clean Sweep Enterprises, Inc., we understand that our clients lead hectic lives, so we set out to make household upkeep easier for them through our home cleaning services.

24/7 Emergency Cleanup and Restoration Services

Why Choose Clean Sweep Enterprises, Inc.?

When you call us, we’ll make you a priority. Our crew will arrive with all the equipment and supplies needed to complete the job, and will start right away. Our company has a proven systematic approach, but we’ll adjust it to your unique circumstances.

  • A+ BBB Rating
  • 24/7 Live Calls
  • Immediate Response
  • Woman-Owned & Operated
  • IICRC Certified

We Proudly Serve These Maryland and Pennsylvania Counties

  • Carroll County
  • Frederick County
  • Baltimore County
  • Harford County
  • Howard County
  • Anne Arundel County
  • Montgomery County
  • Adams County
  • York County


Affiliations & Certifications